What’s the Purpose of a Funeral?
The significance of funerals can be explained in a variety of ways. As a part of the process of grieving and coping, it is important for those who have lost loved ones to express their feelings. Funerals commemorate not just the death of the deceased but also the life they led before they passed away. When it comes to planning a funeral, the task can be overwhelming; however, funeral homes in Van Buren, NY are available to assist.
There is more to funerals than merely the fact that they take place. They are accompanied by a sense of purpose as well as intentionality. Every living human has an innate desire to show honor, respect, and memory for a loved one who passed away. Why is it even necessary to hold a funeral in the first place? Why can’t we just let dead people alone and let them have some peace?
To Face the Reality of Things
The passing of a loved one is a tragic and upsetting event, and when it does occur, our minds naturally react by trying to fight against the reality of the situation. We have a hard time accepting that such a terrible thing has happened; instead, we think that the supposedly deceased individual is still alive. The act of holding a funeral might assist us in coming to terms with the fact that a death has taken place.
Funerals let bereaved families connect with others who understand their predicament and can provide consolation. It’s comforting for the family to be together at the funeral home where the service will be held. Those close to the deceased’s relatives and friends can also get together to comfort and support the grieving family. The bereaved family would better understand the gravity of their loss if we expressed our sympathies to them.
It Makes It Easier for the Bereaved Family to Express Themselves
Grief is expressed in a unique manner by each family. People have a tendency, at times, to repress the bitterness that they are experiencing at the passing of a loved one who was dear to them. The bereaved relatives will have plenty of chances to let their emotions out during the wake and funeral they attend. The grieving family may find that allowing themselves to let out their pent-up feelings is helpful to them on their path to recovery. It’s possible that you need to talk to someone, weep, or perhaps sit quietly with someone who cares for you. In whatever form it takes, expression is an essential component of a funeral service.
Celebration of Life
A person’s life is commemorated by remembering good deeds they performed while on this world because death is an inescapable part of existence. Participating in a funeral ceremony is a unique and respectable way to remember the departed’s life. We may honor the life that was lived by sharing stories, memories, laughter, and even tears with people close to us as a way to commemorate it.
Sadly, not all funerals help aid our healing process. They may be sad and depressing experiences. This is because we have lost some of our knowledge of why funerals are important and how to build a meaningful and therapeutic burial ritual that will give us a solid start in the healing process. For more inquiries, however, you can contact funeral homes in Van Buren, NY.