How Often Do People Choose Cremation Over Burial in Geddes, New York?

Posted on January 24, 2022 by Bagozzi Twins Funeral Home under blog, cremations
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Cremation services in Geddes, NY

Cremation in the United States has risen to a whopping 54 percent as a preferred disposition method. That was in 2019. It’s estimated that it’s more now and expected to climb to well over 70 percent by the year 2035. That’s an amazing feat for a disposition method that was condemned for decades as evil and morbid, especially after it became legal in the United States in 1876. Cremation services in Geddes, NY, and other cities around America, are now sought-after and preferred.


Because cremation is eco-friendly, quicker, and less expensive than burial methods. There are also multiple kinds of cremation, with traditional services and direct cremation being the two most popular options. Traditional cremation services include funeral services that you would see with most traditional burials, while direct cremation involves the cremation process without the funeral services.

Cremation, by definition, means “to burn,” which some might consider a morbid and straightforward denotation. However, death is often seen as taboo when it should be looked at in a matter-of-fact way. It’s inevitable, sometimes unexpected, and sometimes scary, but nothing on earth lives forever. Ergo, it seems like common sense that death should be viewed as a fact of life, and people should view cremation as a means to an end.

Does Viewing Cremation as a Means to an End Negate Emotion?

Absolutely not!

Death is difficult to deal with, regardless of how you view it or how you view cremation and burials. You love someone, they pass away, and you still love and cherish them. That’s an emotional and mental hardship, so looking at cremation as a means to an end doesn’t negate the emotion of losing someone.

What “means to an end” would negate is fear. Viewing cremation from a scientific, matter-of-fact point-of-view allows you to have some semblance of understanding and control over your own fear of loss and death. That doesn’t mean you don’t feel anything after the passing of a loved one. It simply means that you understand the need for a quick, efficient disposition.

What’s the National Average Age of Death in the United States?

On average, men and women in the United States have a lifespan of 75 to 80 years. Many, however, live much longer than that, defying the national average, but few make it to the ripe old age of 100.cremation services in Geddes, NY

Over half of those will choose, or have chosen, cremation services as their preferred method of disposition after death.

Can You Witness the Cremation of a Loved One?

It depends on the funeral home or crematorium. Different policies are in place with funeral homes and crematoriums across New York, so you’d have to ask a funeral director about their regulations for witnesses during cremations. In most cases, they don’t have an issue with one or two witnesses before the cremation process begins.

Cremation services are revered as reliable, reputable, and affordable, allowing loved ones to feel secure and comfortable in their disposition decisions. It’s peace of mind, and the uptick in cremation is expected to continue its ascension for decades to come. Will that make burials obsolete? Only time will tell.

You can learn more about cremation services in Geddes, NY. Talk to us at Bagozzi Twins Funeral Home, Inc. to schedule a consultation and learn about cremation services/funeral home services. Visit our office in New York or call our location.

Bagozzi Twins Funeral Home

Serving families in Solvay, NY, the Greater Syracuse area, and all of Central New York for over 90 years, we are honored to have earned many awards for service excellence and customer satisfaction.

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