Understanding Cremation Services

Posted on May 25, 2020 by Bagozzi Twins Funeral Home under blog, cremations
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There are many cremation services offered in Syracuse, NY, so when you choose cremation as the final disposition of your loved one, you are getting the very best of all the cremation services provided.

cremation services offered in Syracuse, NY

Although more people are choosing to have their loved ones cremated, cremation services are still very much a mystery in many ways. That is because we are used to traditional funeral services and we don’t understand the differences and similarities between the two.

Surprisingly, medical professionals, including many hospice personnel, don’t understand cremation services either, so they may unintentionally give wrong or misleading information about them.

The first thing to understand about cremation services is that your loved one is treated with the utmost dignity and respect all the way through the cremation process. They are dressed just like in a funeral service and they are handled with care every step of the way.

The second thing to understand about cremation services is that the funeral home takes extraordinary care to make sure that the cremation remains returned to you are those of your loved one.

Your loved one undergoes an extensive identification verification throughout the cremation process, but you can always ask the funeral home to take extra identification steps, such as verifying tattoos or birthmarks and comparing your loved one to a current photo of them.

Part of the cremation services provided include accommodating requests for things such as a lock or snip of your loved one’s hair before they are cremated. The funeral home will get this for you and either place it in a locket you choose or return it to you in a sealed plastic bag.

Some people who’ve lost spouses or children may want a pendant or memorial that includes a fingerprint, a handprint, or a footprint. One of the more popular ways that spouses and siblings choose to keep a piece of their loved ones with them is to get heart or infinity pendants where their fingerprint is side-by-side with their deceased loved one’s fingerprint.

The funeral home will use a digital app to get an impression of your fingerprint and one of your deceased loved one and will have them embossed on a pendant that you care wear on a necklace around your neck.

Another part of the cremation services the funeral home provides is a large selection of urns to keep your loved one’s cremation remains in. If you want to split the cremation remains, so that you can scatter some and keep some, the funeral home can accommodate that request by sealing a portion of your loved one’s cremation remains in the urn you choose and placing a portion of them, in a plastic bag, in a temporary cremation container.

You can also split the cremation remains of your loved one among family members. You can either choose separate urns for each family member, or, as most people do, choose a large urn for just one person and have keepsake urns for the rest of the family members. The funeral home will seal the cremation remains in each urn before returning them to you.

Other cremation services the funeral home provides is coordination of memorial or funeral services for your loved one. If your loved one was a military veteran, the funeral home will coordinate with local veteran’s groups to ensure that military honors are provided. If you’re having a religious service, the funeral home will coordinate the memorial or funeral service with the church.

If you’d like to know more about cremation services in Syracuse, NY, our compassionate and experienced team at Bagozzi Twins Funeral Home, Inc. is here to help.

Bagozzi Twins Funeral Home

Serving families in Solvay, NY, the Greater Syracuse area, and all of Central New York for over 90 years, we are honored to have earned many awards for service excellence and customer satisfaction.