Lessons from Grief

Posted on November 23, 2020 by Bagozzi Twins Funeral Home under blog, cremations
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cremation services in Van Buren, NY

After your loved one’s cremation services in Van Buren, NY, you will begin the most intense part of your grieving journey. As the shock of your loved one’s death wears off and that numb feeling of going through the motions begins to disappear, you will probably be surprised all how strong your emotional and mental reactions are.

They are intense and painful, sometimes to the point that all you can do is just find the energy to weather through each day, and that’s all you can do. But you’re actually doing more as your process your grief for your loved one who has died. You are learning lessons about life: theirs, yours, and others’.

One of the lessons you will learn from grief is gratitude for what you had with your loved one and how much you were loved by them. We all tend to take people we love for granted and not consciously be thankful that they are part of our lives.

It is not until they die, sometimes, that we find the appreciation for them that we may not have expressed as much or as often as we should have to them.

Another lesson that you will learn from grief is that the world doesn’t stop for everyone else even when it stops for you. It can be hard for you to fathom how other people can just be going about their normal business while you are devasted by the death of your loved one.

Don’t compare yourself to everyone else. One day, each of those people will be exactly where you are. Let yourself grief and give yourself permission to stop and feel the grief. There will be a time when you are able to resume your life, but your loss will always be a part of you, and that’s okay.

The loss of a loved one and the grieving process will very likely change the dynamics of your family. Some of your family members may not be able to handle loss and grief, so they stay away because you’re “too emotional.”

Some of your family members may have felt a stronger connection with your loved one who died. When they lose that connection, they suddenly become distant and may not have any or much contact with you at all.

Another lesson that you will learn from grief is that life will never be the same as it was when your loved one was alive. Although you will eventually move forward with your own life, it will be different from the one you imagined with your loved one. Don’t be surprised if it feels awkward or even sad at times. That’s normal.

It’s hard to pretend that you are happy when you’re grieving. It’s hard to enjoy things and find things – even that you may have taken great pleasure doing in the past – fun after you lose someone you love.

Everyone may expect you to put on a smile and act as though nothing terrible has happened in your life, but the wisest of your friends and family members will see the sadness underneath. One day, you will be able to enjoy things again. Until then, be patient with yourself and the process.

cremation services in Van Buren, NY

Another lesson you will learn from grief is that love never dies. Just because your loved one isn’t physically present doesn’t mean their love and your love is gone. Embrace it and cherish it.

If you’d like to know more about cremation services in Van Buren, NY, our compassionate and experienced team at Bagozzi Twins Funeral Home, Inc. is here to help.

Bagozzi Twins Funeral Home

Serving families in Solvay, NY, the Greater Syracuse area, and all of Central New York for over 90 years, we are honored to have earned many awards for service excellence and customer satisfaction.

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