All about Columbarium Niches
After cremations that are part of the cremation services offered in Syracuse, NY, there are many options you can choose from for the cremation remains of your loved one. One of these choices is to store your loved one’s cremation remains in a columbarium niche.
A columbarium can be a freestanding building or a room or wall inside a mausoleum that is designed with small vaults that can hold cremation remains. It is a final resting place that is as sacred as a cemetery or a mausoleum, so the same respect and honor for the dead is given in a columbarium.
Each niche in a columbarium is designed to hold cremation remains (in a cremation container of your choice) and small personal items that belonged to your deceased loved one. Columbarium niches might be plain shelves in a room or they might be vaults contained within a detailed architectural structure.
Some columbarium niches are covered by a clear piece of glass with memorial information about the deceased on a plaque underneath, while others are sealed with a small grave marker that contains the deceased’s memorial information. You generally have the option as to which kind of columbarium niche you want to store your loved one’s cremation remains in.
The size of columbarium niches varies. While columbarium niches that are designed to hold the cremation remains of a single deceased person are approximately nine cubic inches, many cemeteries offer larger columbarium niches that are designed to hold couples or families.
Because many spouses want to be together in death, as do many family members, these options are something that should be considered, for the future, when you are choosing a columbarium niche for your deceased loved one.
Why should you consider storing your loved one’s cremation remains in a columbarium niche? There are many very good reasons to choose to store cremation remains in a columbarium niche.
It’s a very practical choice if you want a permanent place where friends and family can come to pay their respects to your loved one who has died. Whether the columbarium is located outside in a wall in the cemetery or inside a building, it’s designed with the same principle as a grave in mind. It’s a place to come to on birthdays, anniversaries, and other special or ordinary occasions when you want to spend time remembering your loved one.
Choosing a columbarium niche is also a good decision because many urban cemeteries are simply running out of space for burials. In high-population areas, there is little additional land to add to the cemetery, and any land that might be available is extremely expensive to buy. Therefore, cemeteries in very populated areas are maximizing the amount of space they have available by providing columbarium niches to store cremated remains.
A columbarium only takes a small amount of land, but it can built very high, so that thousands of niches are available to store cremation remains. Each columbarium that is built up offers easy access to columbarium niches on each level of the structure. There is usually an area provided where you and family members, or friends, can have some quiet time remembering your deceased loved one.
Columbarium niches are an excellent choice for storing cremation remains and they offer a sacred and permanent home for your loved one who has died.
If you’d like to know more about cremation services in Syracuse, NY, our compassionate and experienced team at Bagozzi Twins Funeral Home, Inc. is here to help. You can visit us at our funeral home at 2601 Milton Ave., Solvay, NY 13209, or you can call us today at (315) 468-2431.